Saturday, April 25, 2020

Luis Fernando Sobrino Chile Essays - Disability,

Luis Fernando Sobrino: Chile Are there any laws with provisions and inclusive education? law of social integration of people with disabilities- Law number 19.284, also the law 20,422 notes that the State has an obligation to promote the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities. What is the estimation of children with a disability in your country? 300, 000 An estimation says that there are 330,000 children in Chile that have a disability, there are no public schools where they can assist to, of that estimation only 50,000 have a special education program. What could your country do to increase the number of children that doesn't go to school because of their disease? What is the rate of people with one or more disabilities in your country? 2.119.316 person s, an equivalent of 12,7 percent of the country Which are the regions with most cases of disabilities in your country? ysen (14.538 habitantes), Magallanes (18.710 habitantes) y Arica y Parinacota (27.415 habitantes). Are there any helping programs in your country that gives children a proper education? Example : Yes, the PAED Programa de Apoyo a Estudiantes en Situacion de Discapacidad at the university of Chile Does your country count with specialized cars for people with disability? An if you have do you need a license? Yes they have laws 19.284, also the law 20,422 that approve that people with a disability (they have to pass an exam of consciousness first) can drive a car. They don't need license.

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